Noel writes about some things that a System Administrator should consider about trust when configuring or maintaining a system. "One of the first things many of us think about is the trust we give to the users of our systems. . . .
Noel writes about some things that a System Administrator should consider about trust when configuring or maintaining a system. "One of the first things many of us think about is the trust we give to the users of our systems. Some of these users have special privileges so that they can perform their own jobs."

A System Administrator has a strange relationship with the equipment they manage, with the people using their system and with the world outside their systems. They have to walk a fine line between making their systems unusable and leaving them unsecured or unreliable. To make things even more complicated the line is different for each and every situation. In this article I will overview some of the choices and decisions that a System Administrator must understand and make when building or maintaining their systems.

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