Worries about security, and justified ones at that, could still stop the eCommerce bandwagon in its tracks, it seems. The recent revelation of a security loophole in MS Outlook has been followed by a report from IDC asserting that corporate Europe . . .
Worries about security, and justified ones at that, could still stop the eCommerce bandwagon in its tracks, it seems. The recent revelation of a security loophole in MS Outlook has been followed by a report from IDC asserting that corporate Europe is still adopting the wrong approach to strengthening the security of its systems. What with virus attacks, loopholes in software and widespread public misgivings over the security of financial transactions over the Internet, you'd think that security would be at the top of every IT Manager's agenda. Well, the good news from the IDC report, 'Security Services: Protecting the eBusiness Infrastructure', is that it is now on the agenda at any rate, if not always at the top. But that's about as good as the news gets.
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