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Announcing the Fourth WorldWide WarDrive (WWWD)
12-19 June, 2004
The WorldWide WarDrive is an effort by security professionals and hobbyists to generate awareness of the need by individual users and companies to secure their access points. The goal of the WorldWide WarDrive (or WWWD) is to provide a statistical analysis of the many access points that are currently deployed.
We feel that many end users are not aware that the factory or "default" settings on Access Points do not take any security measures into account. By providing these statistics we hope that end users will become aware of the need to take simple measures to secure their access points.
The WWWD provides a snapshot of the security posture of currently deployed wireless access points throughout the world. During the Third WorldWide WarDrive, which took place in July 2003, over 88,000 unique access points were discovered worldwide. The statistics compiled for the WWWD have become the defacto standard for statistics used by many media outlets and wireless security vendors to further generate public awareness of wireless security issues.
The Fourth WorldWide WarDrive will take place 12-19 June 2004. The WorldWide WarDrive has teamed with the Wireless Geographic Logging Engine (WiGLE https://www.wigle.net/) to provide real time maps and statistics as data from each area is uploaded. This is a departure from past events where statistics and maps were compiled at the conclusion of the week long WWWD.
Also in conjunction with the announcement of the Fourth WorldWide WarDrive, the Church Of WiFi is proud to announce that an updated version of WarKizNiz is available at www.michiganwireless.org/tools/WarKizNiz/ WarKizNiz accepts input from Kismet log files and converts them into NetStumbler .ns1 format.
Coordination of drives throughout the world is done at the WorldWide WarDrive Forums located at
As in the past, discussions pertaining to the WWWD can also be conducted on the WarDriving mailing list ( ).
New for WWWD4 is the creation of a mailing list devoted solely to wireless security issues. To join this list, hosted by Michigan Wireless go to .
Media persons interested in articles or interviews should email
media@worldwidewardrive.org with MEDIA INQUIRY
in the subject line.
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