This year's BSDCon is being held at the Monterey Hyatt, in Monterey Ca. The first tutorial was a two-day tutorial covering BSD System Security. For the most part the classes are intensive and there was a lot of ground to cover. . . .
This year's BSDCon is being held at the Monterey Hyatt, in Monterey Ca. The first tutorial was a two-day tutorial covering BSD System Security. For the most part the classes are intensive and there was a lot of ground to cover. And attendees should have been fairly comfortable with at least one flavor of UNIX. However there was considerable mention of routers and their important role in overall network security.
The topics covered where pretty comprehensive. Alan started with an outline of what is computer crime and then ended up with a quick guide to the latest script kiddie software. This, believe it or not, included running Nessus (a new script kiddie GUI program ) on our local network set up inside the hotel, which discovered a few hosts that where ripe for an attack.
The link for this article located at BSD Today is no longer available.