If not center stage, Linux and Open Source software certainly occupy a credible place within the upcoming CeBIT America 2003 conference and exhibition taking place at New York City's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, reflecting the growing acceptance and use of . . .
If not center stage, Linux and Open Source software certainly occupy a credible place within the upcoming CeBIT America 2003 conference and exhibition taking place at New York City's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, reflecting the growing acceptance and use of Linux and Open Source as enterprise-worthy technology. Here's an overview of Linux and Open Source-related sessions and exhibits slated to be at CeBIT America 2003.
CeBIT's Linux/Open Source offerings are not huge, to be sure -- eight or nine sessions throughout the program, and a small number of booths (plus, presumably, some Linux/Open Source within other exhibitors). But on the other hand, there are fewer instances of "Microsoft" and "Windows" in the programs than one might expect.
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