Hackers are back. The brief lull in the otherwise noisy thrashing about of the hacker community is over. With the FBI arrest last month of Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov at the DEFCON hacker convention, hackers have a new poster boy for . . .
Hackers are back. The brief lull in the otherwise noisy thrashing about of the hacker community is over. With the FBI arrest last month of Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov at the DEFCON hacker convention, hackers have a new poster boy for their favorite cause: the freedom to hack code. And thousands will be celebrating that freedom this weekend.
Around the world, from Germany to Australia, hackers, crackers, security experts, techno artists, intelligence agents, cyberactivists and "ScRiPt KiDdies" are boarding planes for the ultimate hacker olympics, which run from August 10-12. Hacking code will be the main game at HAL2001, a Woodstock-style hackerfest held once every four years in The Netherlands.
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