Von Spangler submits Currently the Info-Sec Writers Guild - a non-profit organization (http://www.infosecwriters.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi) - has security/hacking books and training kits that they're giving away as prizes for the "Best Security Papers" of the month contest. Basically anyone who submits . . .
Von Spangler submits Currently the Info-Sec Writers Guild - a non-profit organization (http://www.infosecwriters.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi) - has security/hacking books and training kits that they're giving away as prizes for the "Best Security Papers" of the month contest. Basically anyone who submits an interesting security paper (linux security included) for online publication will automatically have a chance to win a book prize. At the end of month 2 winners are selected and the prizes are mailed free of charge.

The public is asked to participate.

Infosec Writers are online publishers of information security papers and projects, working with not only the established writers in the industry.Especially targeted are the unknown professionals who seek free publication and readership of their work.

The link for this article located at InfoSecWriters is no longer available.