1 - 2 min read
Nov 02, 2003
If your company lacks the basics--antivirus software, firewalls and other basics--then your organization is in serious trouble. The only way you can survive in this situation is if you are not connected to the outside world at all. If you are in this unfortunate situation and can't convince your senior management of the extreme danger of this position, then I'd suggest you polish your resume, hone your skills and start packing.. . .
If your company lacks the basics--antivirus software, firewalls and other basics--then your organization is in serious trouble. The only way you can survive in this situation is if you are not connected to the outside world at all. If you are in this unfortunate situation and can't convince your senior management of the extreme danger of this position, then I'd suggest you polish your resume, hone your skills and start packing.
Blaster, Nachi and SQL Slammer are modern plagues that strike wired businesses with increasing regularity. But even if these cataclysms have failed to bring in more budget dollars, you, the security professional, are still expected to keep company networks and assets protected. Here are four steps you can take, using zero capital dollars, that will visibly reduce risks and improve your security program.
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