The Pwnie Awards are intended to be the Oscars of the security community. The show has opened with the nomination of the candidates; the winners will be announced on Wednesday 25 July. Similar to Hollywood, this community also has bright stars who sometimes use dubious methods to try and improve their chances of winning a trophy
For its more than embarrassing password disclosures, the LinkedIn business network has been nominated for the "Most Epic Fail" award: "What has 2,500 employees, over 90 million users, no CSO, and hates salt?" The jury also mocks a network supplier who incorporated the private root key for SSH access in firmware that is plainly visible on the net: "For FAIL, press F5". The nomination of the entire anti-virus industry wasn't even deemed to need an explanation. No wonder, considering the fact that AV icon Mikko Hypponen recently admitted that the entire industry has failed.
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