Next week America's biggest hacker conference starts its yearly reign of controversy, and we've got a hotlist of DEF CON 22's most incendiary talks.
DEF CON returns to Las Vegas at the ripe age of 22 with four packed days of talks, expo, 303 Skytalks, panels, lockpicking, Queercon, social engineering sport, the Tamper Evident Village, Defcon Kids, and much more from August 7-10 at the Rio Hotel and Casino.
Featured competitions at DEF CON 22 include the Counterfeit Badge Contest, CTF: Capture the Flag (Legitimate Business Syndicate), EFF SOHO Router Hacking, SECTF for kids (Social Engineering Capture the Flag for kids) The DEFCON Darknet Project, Wall of Sheep -- Capture The Packet, and many more.
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