The companies plan to announce the first version of the system on Thursday, Eschelbeck said. They are proposing that vulnerability trackers such as BugTraq use the approach to label the severity of new software bugs. Businesses can take the ratings to calculate the level of risk on their own network, to generate a single grade, depending on factors such as how reliant they are on the affected software.
"There are three numbers, but customers will deal with a specific final number," he said. "You can see right out of the get-go how vulnerable you are."
The launch, which will be made at the RSA Conference in San Francisco this week, is the fruit of a partnership of Redwood Shores, California-based Qualys, networking giant Cisco -- which has recently announced a revamp of its security product line -- and security company Symantec. It is designed to provide the first systematic grading of flaws that can be used by companies to assess the potential damage to their vulnerable systems and to prioritise patching.
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