Roesch has a long history of identifying real-world Cybersecurity challenges and developing solutions to address them. He founded Sourcefire in 2001 to deliver commercial security solutions that leverage his open source innovation, Snort, the world's most widely deployed intrusion detection and prevention technology with more than 285,000 registered users and nearly 4 million downloads to date. As the de facto standard for intrusion detection and prevention, Snort is used extensively by Fortune 100 companies and government agencies.
About Sourcefire
Sourcefire, Inc. is a world leader in intelligent Cybersecurity solutions. Sourcefire is transforming the way Global 2000 organizations and government agencies manage and minimize network security risks. Sourcefire's IPS and Real-time Adaptive Security solution equips customers with an efficient and effective layered security defense -- protecting network assets before, during and after an attack. Through the years, Sourcefire has been consistently recognized for its innovation and industry leadership by customers, media and industry analysts alike -- with more than 50 awards and accolades. Today, the names Sourcefire and founder Martin Roesch have grown synonymous with innovation and network security intelligence. For more information about Sourcefire, please visit Cisco Secure Products and Solutions - Cisco.SOURCEFIRE(R), SNORT(R), the Sourcefire logo, the Snort and Pig logo, SECURITY FOR THE REAL WORLD(TM), SOURCEFIRE DEFENSE CENTER(R), SOURCEFIRE 3D(R), RNA(R), RUA(TM), DAEMONLOGGER(TM), CLAMAV(R), SOURCEFIRE SOLUTIONS NETWORK(TM), and certain other trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sourcefire, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
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