Every year leaders in the security field are brought together to this conference to discuss the latest threats, trends, products, and influences in the Internet and security environment. Don't miss it. This year's topics include: Routing Protocol Attacks, Mobile Security: SMS . . .
Every year leaders in the security field are brought together to this conference to discuss the latest threats, trends, products, and influences in the Internet and security environment. Don't miss it. This year's topics include: Routing Protocol Attacks, Mobile Security: SMS and WAP, One-Way SQL Hacking, eBooks Security - Theory and Practice: Part II, Hackproofing Lotus Domino, Protecting your IP Network Infrastructure, RFP.Labs vs. Webservers: Finding Problems.
A new track, Deep Knowledge, has been added to the Amsterdam schedule to offer longer, more in-depth talks. These talks will include: Third Generation Exploits on NT/Win2k Platforms, Remote ICMP Based OS Fingerprinting Techniques, IDS Evasion Design Tricks for Buffer Overflow Exploits, Modifying and spying on running processes under Linux, and Web Vulnerably & SQL Injection Countermeasures.
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