The e-Crime Congress 2006 will seek to challenge conventional attitudes on e-Crime and examine how business, government and law enforcement can continue to work together in order to tackle a threat that undermines public confidence in the Internet as a viable and secure commercial medium for the future.
It is critical that the Congress delivers the latest thinking and solutions to combat e-Crime; the agenda we believe reflects this. By providing fresh and innovative views on how to tackle e-Crime we will seek to deliver alternative solutions to e-Crime problems we continue to face. Learning from examples of successful law-enforcement operations and the suggestions made by delegates in 2005, the congress will seek to explore a number of key issues through the following structured themes: State of the Nation - Identity Theft - The Shadow Economy & Counterfeit Networks - Selling Security to the Board - Crisis Management & Information Infrastructure - Intelligence Gathering &Forensics - Law Enforcement Round Table - New Technologies – New Threats
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