The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recently conducted an in-depth Red Team Assessment (RTA) to enhance cybersecurity in US critical infrastructure sectors. One critical infrastructure organization requested this ass...
The secret service won't be the only high-profile security group in Philadelphia at the Republican National Convention. A computer security organization will sound the alarm over the increasing vulnerability of America's network-based society on Wednesday. . . .
The European Parliament's de facto rejection of a so-called safe harbor plan to promote data transfers between the European Union and the US has waxed into an unprecedented balance of power issue between the parliament and the European Commission.
Joe Barr takes off his rose-colored glasses and discovers deception and darkness are old hat in the world of computer security. This week I'm eating crow because I didn't follow my gut instinct on a story I wrote about Linux security . . .
In the charge to protect computer systems against cyberattacks, the National Security Agency and the State Department are two prime examples of agencies that have taken a proactive approach. NSA is one of the federal agencies that have taken the . . .
Canada's intelligence agency plans "significant investments" in advanced technology to try to keep pace with well-equipped terrorists and spies. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service said in its annual report yesterday that the growing use of modern communications, computers and encryption by . . .
SANS Security DC2000 will be here July 5-10th, 2000. It is located at the JW Marriot Hotel in Washington DC. SANS will provide "In-depth training for people interested in developing skills and confidence as technical security professionals." . . .
A group of leading Internet executives said today that cyber-related problems like the ILOVEYOU virus are international in nature; therefore, effective information security solutions must be pursued on an international basis. The Global Internet Project (GIP) released a statement at . . .
The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium is looking for authors for information on PKI, security policy, authentication, firewalls, and a handful of other exciting topics. . . .
Here's an article for people trying to justify security to their management. It talks about getting involved with the SANS organization, making the case for security, virus detection, PKI and E-Commerce, and more. "The first rule of IT . . .
The latest issue of Phrack, a premier underground security magazine, has been released. This issue covers great information on Distributed Denial of Service attacks (including sample code), bypassing StackGuard, a tool that "eliminates buffer overflows", introduction to Pluggable Authentication . . .
More than 20 students recently sat in a room on the 12th floor of a New York office building to learn how to hack into Linux systems. But it wasn't an underground session run by computer criminals; instead, these students . . .
The keynote for the Internet Electronic Commerce Expo in NY last week provides some tips on avoiding problems when developing an "e-business" front-end for your company. The article is worth reading, but I happen to think the 1 hour . . .
CERT Summary CS-2000-01 Tuesday, February 29, 2000 Each quarter, the CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) issues the CERT Summary to draw attention to the types of attacks . . .
"In the wake of attacks that brought major Web sites to a standstill earlier this month, 20 Internet and telecommunications firms have formed a coalition to raise security standards for Web sites and the networks that support them. . . .