Knowledge management software configured to include email servers in its search boundaries could leave companies open to prosecution Organisations may be in danger of breaching privacy regulations unwittingly, if knowledge management (KM) software is configured to include email servers . . .
Knowledge management software configured to include email servers in its search boundaries could leave companies open to prosecution Organisations may be in danger of breaching privacy regulations unwittingly, if knowledge management (KM) software is configured to include email servers in its search boundaries.
Experts are advising IT managers to give staff adequate warnings if staff emails may be accessed as part of a KM search.
Jim Moffat, product marketing manager at KM software provider Lotus, said some firms did not realise that they could fall foul of privacy laws through inadvertent monitoring. "Our KM application has the capability to scan for information from a variety of servers, including email. Companies need to be aware of their legal responsibilities when doing this," he advised.
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