"A lot of media players come with identifiers embedded in them to track content usage and digital rights management," Chris Hoofnagle, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center's West Coast office, said. "With respect to Windows Media Player and now the Macromedia player, we're realizing that the media players themselves are creating privacy risks."
Macromedia does not view its software as a threat to user privacy.
"The Flash player by its nature doesn't by default gather any information," Jeff Whatcott, vice president of product management at Macromedia, said. " We designed that technology from the beginning to make sure that (computer) users are always in control of their key information."
Macromedia provides instructions on its website for how to disable local shared objects on an individual site or all sites, delete data that is already stored locally, and set the maximum space allowed for storage.
Unfortunately, most Flash users are unaware that the player is storing any information about them at all and are unlikely to see these instructions or understand how to follow them.
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