Like it or not, cameras are a fact of life. Security expert Rich Maurer estimates that in a 10-mile stretch in any major city, your image will be captured on 30 to 40 private security cameras. That doesn't include cameras in . . .
Like it or not, cameras are a fact of life. Security expert Rich Maurer estimates that in a 10-mile stretch in any major city, your image will be captured on 30 to 40 private security cameras. That doesn't include cameras in homes or those carried by individuals.
Next time you go out for a walk, don't forget to smile for the camera.
In these times of heightened security and rapidly falling technology costs, it's no longer just banks and grocery stores that are using hidden surveillance cameras. A growing number of Americans are installing them, as well as using secret "nanny cams" in their homes and even carrying tiny cameras in cell phones Latest News about cell phones and other devices.