Porn-blocking Web filters from Net Nanny, CyberSitter, and five other companies can be disabled with a program released Monday by anti-filtering group Peacefire, the group claims. The program, available as a free download at the Peacefire Web site, was released in . . .
Porn-blocking Web filters from Net Nanny, CyberSitter, and five other companies can be disabled with a program released Monday by anti-filtering group Peacefire, the group claims. The program, available as a free download at the Peacefire Web site, was released in reaction to expected federal mandates for Web filters on school and library computers.
"Peacefire" is actually an amalgam of the instructions for disabling filters that Peacefire has been posting on its site for months. But instead of having to input lines of code, the download makes disabling filters a "one-click process," said Peacefire's Bennett Haselton.
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