Michael S. Mimoso submits Spam is one of the hottest IT issues. Who hasn't received e-mail solicitations for Viagra and mortgage-reduction plans? A new research group under the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is working to address the issue . . .
Michael S. Mimoso submits Spam is one of the hottest IT issues. Who hasn't received e-mail solicitations for Viagra and mortgage-reduction plans? A new research group under the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is working to address the issue of unwanted e-mail.
Recently, SearchSecurity.com spoke with Paul Judge, chairman of the IETF's recently created Anti-Spam Research Group and director of R&D for Alpharetta, Ga.-based CipherTrust Inc., which makes mail-monitoring appliances. Spam is an issue that one vendor cannot fix alone; rather, it will take a group effort among competitors to address the issue for everyone, Judge said.
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