A showdown is brewing between the technology industry and consumer advocates over what kind of online privacy legislation the 107th Congress should adopt. Consumer advocates and many legislators want a federal law that limits what e-commerce firms can do with . . .
A showdown is brewing between the technology industry and consumer advocates over what kind of online privacy legislation the 107th Congress should adopt. Consumer advocates and many legislators want a federal law that limits what e-commerce firms can do with information they collect about Web users. Most industry groups, on the other hand, say that no Net privacy laws are necessary and that the industry can effectively regulate itself.
But hope is fading fast for those who don't want regulation. Net privacy bills were among the first legislation introduced in the new House of Representatives, and dozens of senators and representatives say they plan to reintroduce bills that Congress didn't get around to last year. The Congressional Privacy Caucus and the Senate Commerce Committee both plan hearings on the issue soon, staffers say.
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