1 - 2 min read
Oct 08, 2002
As the laws governing the use of employee and customer data become ever more complex, IT directors are having to spend more time creating legally watertight privacy policies. But there is much evidence to suggest that many aren't fully aware . . .
As the laws governing the use of employee and customer data become ever more complex, IT directors are having to spend more time creating legally watertight privacy policies. But there is much evidence to suggest that many aren't fully aware of the laws: a recent survey from Compuware, for example, found that 42 per cent of UK IT directors have broken the law by using real customer data to test applications - a practice which is outlawed under the terms of the Data Protection Act (DPA).
To help determine your privacy savvy, Rebecca Herold, chief privacy officer for QinetiQ Trusted Information Management, has come up with a short self-evaluation exercise.
She says that this is far from comprehensive and lacks the detail you will need to adequately address your privacy issues. However, it should help you see from a very high level where you need to start addressing privacy issues and concerns. Each question can be answered with a simple, yes, no or don't know...
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