Ethics checks and balances within an organization lower risks for everyone involved. Learn more in an interesting The Next Web article:
When a company makes headlines for mismanaging user data, much of the discussion will revolve around legal implications: whether or not the company’s privacy policy and terms of service cover the data usage in question. The ethical implications of a breach may not be thrust as deeply into the spotlight.
Today, however, GDPR and similar privacy laws, such as the upcoming California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are driving companies to consider ethics as a competitive edge. More innovative players will look to differentiate themselves from their competition by organizing ethical review committees, ethics teams, and data ethics officers to formally consider the implications of algorithms and machine learning on customer trust and business outcomes.
Individuals in roles such as CIO (Chief Information Officer) and IT Director have a vast responsibility when it comes to enforcing ethical data use. These individuals must oversee appropriate data management while enabling their organizations to turn this information into business value.
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