Verizon Internet Services has released the names of four alleged music downloaders to the Recording Industry Association of America, but the music label group--which sued to get the names--isn't sure what it will do with them. Verizon turned over the . . .
Verizon Internet Services has released the names of four alleged music downloaders to the Recording Industry Association of America, but the music label group--which sued to get the names--isn't sure what it will do with them. Verizon turned over the names after an appeals court denied the company's request for a stay to challenge a law that allows the music industry to subpoena such information.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled on Wednesday. Verizon filed the appeal after a U.S. district judge ordered the ISP to turn over the names of two Verizon customers who had allegedly downloaded hundreds of songs through a peer-to-peer file-swapping service.

An RIAA spokesperson says the industry group is weighing its options on what do with the names of the alleged downloaders. "In the next several days, we will evaluate how this ruling can best be incorporated into our overall enforcement program," the representative says.

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