The following information consists entirely of excerpts from the European Parliament's "Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System" report. After reading the entire lengthy, and often technical, report I decided to sift through and find the information that most people would . . .
The following information consists entirely of excerpts from the European Parliament's "Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System" report. After reading the entire lengthy, and often technical, report I decided to sift through and find the information that most people would find informative and applicable to their own lives and use of the Internet and electronic communications in general. It explains what Echelon is, how it works, and how it can effect you. The excerpts may be lengthy, but this is a very slimmed down version of the entire report, which is linked to at the end of this document.
The link for this article located at CipherWar is no longer available.