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US e-surveillance worries privacy groups


While US congressional committees are holding meetings to consider legislation by the Justice Department, organisations such as the Electronic Privacy Information Center (Epic) are urging Congress to be careful of changes that will affect privacy and constitutional rights. Topics under consideration . . .

FBI may get key to unlock Internet messages


US lawmakers may be asked to give the FBI a "software key" to encryption technology that would allow the agency to unlock secret Internet messages but experts warn the measure would impair commerce and violate privacy right without deterring terrorism. The . . .

Terrorism Act threatens our rights


Technology is the ultimate chameleon, taking on the characteristics of its handler. In some hands technology is a tool of treachery, while in others it morphs into a peaceful protest. In still others, it represents the bleeding edge of freedom. . . .

Google's personalisation raises privacy concerns


Tools acquired by the Google search engine could make its results more relevant to users - but it runs the risk of infringing privacy. Google looks set to add personalisation features to its popular search engine, following the acquisition of Outride's intellectual property assets, announced yesterday.. . .

Anonymizing with Squid Proxy


The debate over the ethics of using an employer's system to surf the Net is ongoing. Employee privacy rights and whether or not the company owns the contents of employees' machines are just two facets of it. The opportunity for system . . .

Bush Submits His Laws for War


Created in response to last week's bloody attacks, the draft "Mobilization Against Terrorism Act" (MATA) rewrites laws dealing with wiretapping, eavesdropping and immigration. The draft, intended to increase prosecutors' courtroom authority, also unleashes the government's Echelon and Carnivore spy systems. President . . .

Anti-Attack Feds Push Carnivore


Federal police are reportedly increasing Internet surveillance after Tuesday's deadly attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Just hours after three airplanes smashed into the buildings in what some U.S. legislators have dubbed a second Pearl Harbor, FBI agents . . .

European Parliament adopts 'Echelon' report


The European Parliament Wednesday adopted a report that says the global electronic-surveillance network known as "Echelon" does exist. Some 367 members of the European Parliament voted to support the report, which was several years in the making, while 159 voted against and 34 members abstained at the Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg, France.. . .

Echelon spying network exists, EU committee says


Echelon exists, the European Union (EU) Parliament was told Wednesday. Echelon, allegedly a vast information collection system capable of monitoring all the electronic communications in the world, has been talked about in security circles for several years. But no government agency . . .

FBI device sets off alarms


Friday, in a New Jersey courtroom, the FBI is scheduled to deliver a secret report detailing a new way it uses to spy on American citizens behind their backs. The dispute is technical, involving a way to track a computer's every keystroke.. . .

What is Echelon?


The following information consists entirely of excerpts from the European Parliament's "Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System" report. After reading the entire lengthy, and often technical, report I decided to sift through and find the information that most people would . . .

Privacy: The Liability Link


Consumer information is currency. And businesses that collect, mint and trade this information have done so thus far with relative impunity. "The key to privacy protection is enforcement. Right now, there's no financial harm for not having or following a privacy . . .