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Protect your Internet privacy by lying


The battle over Internet privacy has a new faction: the Web privacy hawk using guerilla tactics such as lying about their identities when trading profile information for free services, the Pew Charitable Trust found in its latest survey. The number . . .

Sony exec: We will beat Napster


"Sony is going to take aggressive steps to stop this," Heckler told the Summer Forty-Niner. "We will develop technology that transcends the individual user. We will firewall Napster at source -- we will block it at your cable company, we will . . .

Infosec Experts: Carnivore Bite Too Big?


Surveillance technology called Carnivore has the Internet community on the look out. Used by the FBI, Carnivore raises a variety of legal and privacy issues. One group, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), sought a court order to get the operational . . .

Study: U.S. surfers want privacy


U.S. CITIZENS ARE increasingly worried about their privacy while surfing online and would like Internet privacy guarantees, even though they are currently doing little themselves to protect their Internet identities, according to a study released on Sunday by the nonprofit Pew . . .

Wireless Web privacy hole still wide open


Mobile phone Web surfers from several service providers discovered last March that their wireless Web services were distributing their phone numbers to Web sites without telling them. The disclosure enraged privacy advocates and prompted at least one company--Sprint PCS--to promise quick . . .

Democrats champion privacy


HONING IN ON the controversy now surrounding privacy, Democratic operatives on Wednesday at the Los Angeles convention will aim to point out the difference between the two political parties on the hot-button issue. Although offering few details ahead of the scheduled . . .

Tracking your every move


Robert O'Harrow writes: "A Boston technology firm is surreptitiously tracking computer users across the Internet on behalf of pharmaceutical companies, a practice that demonstrates the limits of a recent agreement to protect the privacy of Web surfers." Just another story . . .

Florida forms privacy task force


Recognizing the need for new privacy policies in the Internet Age, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has created a task force to make policy recommendations by Feb. 1, 2001. The Privacy and Technology Task Force, directed by the state legislature, will . . .

U.S. Court Limits Online Porn Censorship


A U.S. court has stopped the state of Virginia from enforcing a 1999 law that criminalizes use of the Internet to sell or otherwise provide sexually explicit material that is "harmful to minors." U.S. District Court Judge J. Harry Michael, Jr. . . .

Germany And China Censoring The Net


China has shut down a "dissident" web site run by a pro-democracy human rights group. And in Berlin, the German government has began to block Nazi slogans as German Web addresses after discovering someone had registered

FBI Agrees To Release Carnivore Details


Pushed by a court hearing and growing press attention, the FBI on Wednesday agreed to expedite its release of documents detailing the inner workings of Carnivore, its controversial electronic wiretap system that scans private E-mail through Internet service providers. But ISPs . . .