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Facebook let Netflix, Spotify read your private messages


After interviewing over 60 people, ranging from former Facebook employees and partners, as well as reviewing over 270 internal Facebook documents, The New York Times discovered that Facebook offered its users’ data to more than 150 companies. Those companies, the investigation revealed, ranged from tech and entertainment companies to online retailers, automakers, and even banks.

Anonymous social network Blind left user data exposed


Blind is a workplace social network that lets employees at various companies discuss sensitive topics anonymously. The company describes it as a safe place where workers can talk about salaries, workplace concerns and employee misconduct without being identified. But Blind recently left a database server unsecured, exposing some of its users' account information, including their corporate email addresses.

New Google+ Breach Will Lead to Early Service Shutdown


As vulnerabilities go, it was the best sort: found by internal testing before it led to a security breach. Nevertheless, the latest Google+ software vulnerability was enough to push forward shutting down the service: Google now says it will be shuttered by April 2019 rather than the originally planned August 2019.

GDPR Implementation Slow but Improving


According to the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Implementation Review Survey conducted by IT Governance, six months after the GDPR went into effect, the majority of organizations are failing to implement the mandatory regulations.