The Linux Foundation and OpenSSF Alpha-Omega Project, backed by Microsoft and Google, aims to improve the security of 10,000 open-source projects through a human-centered approach to open-source software security.
The Log4j vulnerability crisis that erupted in late-2021 heightened the security world’s awareness of supply chain risks in free and universally deployed open-source software. Following an intense holiday season push by admins and cybersecurity professionals to track and remediate the Log4j flaw, the White House held a meeting of industry leaders to discuss improving open source software security.
In a sign that the tech sector is stepping up efforts, the Linux Foundation and the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) have announced the Alpha-Omega Project. Backed by $5 million in initial funding from Microsoft and Google, the project seeks to improve software supply chain security for 10,000 open-source software projects by systematically looking for undiscovered vulnerabilities in open-source code and then working with project maintainers to get them fixed.