The word 'Biometry' basically comprises of two words : bio + metry. The word 'bio' refers to life or a living being and the word 'metry' refers to 'measurement'. So 'Biometric' can be summed up as: the science of measurement of physical attributes(unique) to a living being (for authentication /authorization.). . .
The word 'Biometry' basically comprises of two words : bio + metry. The word 'bio' refers to life or a living being and the word 'metry' refers to 'measurement'. So 'Biometric' can be summed up as: the science of measurement of physical attributes(unique) to a living being (for authentication /authorization.)
These systems are one level up from traditional methods of authentication like passwords or security access cards because they ensure that the person trying to log on is actually the valid user and not just someone who is trying to impersonate an identity after he/she found an access card lying below your office desk or password written on a piece of paper as a reminder in case of a memory lapse.
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