The carwhisperer project intends to sensibilise manufacturers of carkits and other Bluetooth appliances without display and keyboard for the possible security threat evolving from the use of standard passkeys. A Bluetooth passkey is used within the pairing process that takes place, when two Bluetooth enabled devices connect for the first time. Besides other public data, the passkey is a secret parameter used in the process that generates and exchanges the so-called link key. In Bluetooth communication scenarios the link key is used for authentication and encryption of the information that is exchanged between the counterparts of the communication.

The cw_scanner script is repeatedly performing a device inquiry for visible Bluetooth devices of which the class matches the one of Bluetooth Headsets and Hands-Free Units. Once a visible Bluetooth device with the appropriate device class is found, the cw_scanner script executes the carwhisperer binary that connects to the found device (on RFCOMM channel 1) and opens a control connection and connects the SCO links.

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