1 - 2 min read
Feb 27, 2010
This project will use one of the web attacker's most trusted tools against them - the Open Proxy server. Instead of being the target of the attacks, we opt to be used as a conduit of the attack data in order to gather our intelligence. By deploying multiple, specially configured open proxy server (or proxypot), we aim to take a birds-eye look at the types of malicious traffic that traverse these systems. The honeypot systems will conduct real-time analysis on the HTTP traffic to categorize the requests into threat classifications outlined by the Web Security Threat Classification and report all logging data to a centralized location.
You can participate by deploying the WASC Open Proxy Honyepot sensor on your own network. WASC has created a VMware image of the standard sensor. This image includes all of the software to quickly get your sensor up and running with little configuration on the end user's part. You must contact the project leader via email in order to participate. You will then recieve the link location to download the VMware image. You will need to have the free version of VMware player or Server. If you would like to deploy a honeypot sensor, include the following details in your email to the project leader.
The link for this article located at Web App Security is no longer available.