In 2001 two Italians released the first beta version of ettercap, a network protocol analyzer. This summer they released ettercapNG, which was completely rewritten from scratch with better, modular code, making it easier to add new features and write and submit patches. . . .
In 2001 two Italians released the first beta version of ettercap, a network protocol analyzer. This summer they released ettercapNG, which was completely rewritten from scratch with better, modular code, making it easier to add new features and write and submit patches. Ettercap is now covered in most security books. It's number 9 in the Top 75 Security Tools list of the Nmap Hackers mailing list. NewsForge recently caught up with its authors, Alberto Ornaghi (a.k.a. ALoR) and Marco Valleri (a.k.a. NaGA). Each is 26 years old, and they work as security consultants for two different company in Milan.

NewsForge: How did your interest in network security started?

ALoR and NaGA: We were studying for a university exam on networking, and we noticed that network security was more fun than differential equations.

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