Laurent Constantin let us know that the Lcrzoex Project now contains more than 300 GPLd network testing tools. "We are proud to announce that lcrzoex now contains over 300 network testing tools. Tool which passed this mark allows to spoof an IP/UDP packet.". . .
Laurent Constantin let us know that the Lcrzoex Project now contains more than 300 GPLd network testing tools. "We are proud to announce that lcrzoex now contains over 300 network testing tools. Tool which passed this mark allows to spoof an IP/UDP packet."

Lcrzoex free toolbox is useful to test an Ethernet/IP network. As seen it permits to spoof packets, but also to:

  • create UDP/TCP clients (to connect on a remote site)
  • create UDP/TCP servers (to deliver local data)
  • sniff (intercept network data)
  • obtain information on computers' configuration
  • ping, traceroute, scan
  • replay data
  • etc.
Lcrzoex was adopted by hundreds of network administrators. It's available under the GNU GPL license, so each tool can be edited and recompiled to match one's needs.

It was successfully installed on Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris.

You can read more about lcrzoex and download it at :

To discover usage examples also read :

The link for this article located at Lcrzoex Project is no longer available.