The recent announcement of the 2.x branch of Linux Netwosix may prompt LinuxWorld readers to ask why there were two releases--1.3 and 2.0-rc1--of this software within a week. So we contacted its creator, 19-year-old Vincenzo Ciaglia of the University of Salerno, Italy to find the answer to this and other questions.
"Well, let’s start saying that Linux Netwosix is a powerful and optimized Linux distribution for servers and Network Security related jobs. It can also be used for special operations such as penetration testing with its big collection of security oriented software and sources," Ciaglia told us. "It's a light distribution created for the requirements of every SysAdmin and it's very portable and highly configurable. Its philosophy is to give greater liberty for configuration to the SysAdmin."
Ciaglia also said that "only in this way the system administrator can configure a powerful and stable server machine. Linux Netwosix also has a powerful ports system (Nepote) similar to thexBSD systems but more flexible and usable." (More information about Nepote is available here: .)
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