Scanners Box also known as scanbox, is a powerful hacker toolkit, which has collected more than 10 categories of open source scanners from Github, including subdomain, database, middleware and other modular design scanner etc. But for other Well-known scanning tools, such as nmap, w3af, brakeman, arachni, nikto, metasploit, aircrack-ng will not be included in the scope of collection.
- Subdomain Enumeration or Takeover
- Database SQL Injection Vulnerability or Brute Force
- Weak Usernames or Passwords Enumeration For Web
- Authorization Brute Force or Vulnerability Scan For IoT
- Mutiple types of Cross-site scripting Detection
- Enterprise Assets Management or Data Protection
- Malicious Scripts or Binary Malware Detection
- Intranet Penetration
- Vulnerability Assessment for Middleware or Information Leak Scan
- Special Components or Vulnerability Categories Scan
- Vulnerability Assessment for Wireless Network
- Local Area Network detection
- Dynamic or Static Code Analysis
- Modular Design Scanners or Vulnerability Detecting Framework
- Advanced Persistent Threat
Subdomain Enumeration or Takeover
- GitHub - lijiejie/subDomainsBrute: A fast sub domain brute tool for pentesters - A classical subdomain enumeration Tool by lijiejie
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ring04h/wydomain: to discover subdomains of your target domain - A Speed and Precision subdomain enumeration Tool by ringzero
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - le4f/dnsmaper: 子域名枚举与地图标记 - Subdomain enumeration tool with map record
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - TheRook/subbrute: A DNS meta-query spider that enumerates DNS records, and subdomains. - A DNS meta-query spider that enumerates DNS records, and subdomains,supported API
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - We5ter/GSDF: A domain searcher named GoogleSSLdomainFinder - 基于谷歌SSL透明证书的子域名查询工具 - Subdomain enumeration via Google certificate transparency
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - mandatoryprogrammer/cloudflare_enum: Cloudflare DNS Enumeration Tool for Pentesters - Subdomain enumeration via CloudFlare
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - guelfoweb/knock: Knock Subdomain Scan - Knock subdomain scan
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - An intergratd Python subdomain enumeration tool
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - code-scan/BroDomain: - Find brother domain
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Q2h1Cg/dnsbrute: a fast domain brute tool - A fast domain brute tool
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - yanxiu0614/subdomain3: A new generation of tool for discovering subdomains( ip , cdn and so on) - A simple and fast tool for bruting subdomains
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - michenriksen/aquatone: A Tool for Domain Flyovers - A powerful subdomain tool and domain takeovers finding tools
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - evilsocket/dnssearch: A subdomain enumeration tool. - A subdomain enumeration tool
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - TypeError/domained: Multi Tool Subdomain Enumeration - Subdomain enumeration tools for bug hunting
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - bit4woo/teemo: A Domain Name & Email Address Collection Tool - A domain name & Email address collection tool
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - laramies/theHarvester: E-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT - E-mail, subdomain and people names harvester
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - nmalcolm/Inventus: Inventus is a spider designed to find subdomains of a specific domain by crawling it and any subdomains it discovers. - A spider designed to find subdomains of a specific domain by crawling it
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - aboul3la/Sublist3r: Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers - Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - jonluca/Anubis: Subdomain enumeration and information gathering tool - Subdomain enumeration and information gathering tool
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - n4xh4ck5/N4xD0rk: Listing subdomains about a main domain - Listing subdomains about a main domain
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - infosec-au/altdns: Generates permutations, alterations and mutations of subdomains and then resolves them - Subdomain discovery through alterations and permutations
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - FeeiCN/ESD: Enumeration sub domains(枚举子域名) - Enumeration sub domains tool,based on AsyncIO and non-repeating dict
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - UnaPibaGeek/ctfr: Abusing Certificate Transparency logs for getting HTTPS websites subdomains. - Abusing certificate transparency logs for getting HTTPS websites subdomains
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - giovanifss/Dumb: Dumain Bruteforcer - a fast and flexible domain bruteforcer - Dumain Bruteforcer, a fast and flexible domain bruteforcer
Rating: | Language: Haskell | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - Subdomain enumeration in Go
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - projectdiscovery/subfinder: Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool. - A subdomain discovery tool which has a simple modular architecture and has been aimed as a successor to sublist3r project
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Ice3man543/SubOver: A Powerful Subdomain Takeover Tool - A powerful subdomain takeover tool
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - JannisKirschner/Horn3t: Powerful Visual Subdomain Enumeration at the Click of a Mouse - Powerful Visual Subdomain Enumeration
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - yunxu1/dnsub: dnsub一款好用且强大的子域名扫描工具 - A high concurrency and cross platform subdomain scanner based on Golang
Rating: | Language: GO | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - shmilylty/OneForAll: OneForAll是一款功能强大的子域收集工具 - An ultimate subdomains scanner integrated multiple subdomain scanning tools
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Database SQL Injection Vulnerability or Brute Force
- GitHub - 0xbug/SQLiScanner: Automatic SQL injection with Charles and sqlmap api - A SQLi vulnerability scanner via SQLMAP and Charles
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - stamparm/DSSS: Damn Small SQLi Scanner - A SQLi vulnerability scanner with 99 lines of code
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - youngyangyang04/NoSQLAttack: NoSQLAttack is an open source Python tool to automate exploit MongoDB server IP on Internet and disclose the database data by MongoDB default configuration weaknesses and injection attacks. - A SQLi vulnerability scanner for mongoDB
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - CiscoCXSecurity/bbqsql: SQL Injection Exploitation Tool - A blind SQLi vulnerability scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - NetSPI/PowerUpSQL: PowerUpSQL: A PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking SQL Server - A SQLi vulnerability scanner with Powershell script
Rating: | Language: Powershell | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - WhitewidowScanner/whitewidow: SQL Vulnerability Scanner - Another SQL vulnerability scanner
Rating: | Language: Ruby | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - stampery/mongoaudit: ???? A powerful MongoDB auditing and pentesting tool ???? - A powerful MongoDB auditing and pentesting tool
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - torque59/Nosql-Exploitation-Framework: A Python Framework For NoSQL Scanning and Exploitation - A Python framework For NoSQL scanning and exploitation
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - agienka/blindy: Simple script to automate brutforcing blind sql injection vulnerabilities - Simple script to automate brutforcing blind sql injection vulnerabilities
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - fengxuangit/Fox-scan: Fox-scan is a initiative and passive SQL Injection vulnerable Test tools. - A initiative and passive SQL injection vulnerable test tools
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - JohnTroony/Blisqy: Version 0.2 - Exploit Time-based blind-SQL injection in HTTP-Headers (MySQL/MariaDB). - Exploit time-based blind-SQL injection in HTTP-Headers
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ron190/jsql-injection: jSQL Injection is a Java application for automatic SQL database injection. - A lightweight application used to find database information from a distant server
Rating: | Language: Java | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - the-robot/sqliv: massive SQL injection vulnerability scanner - Massive SQL injection vulnerability scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - s0md3v/sqlmate: A friend of SQLmap which will do what you always expected from SQLmap. - A friend of SQLmap which will do what you always expected from SQLmap
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - m8sec/enumdb: Relational database brute force and post exploitation tool for MySQL and MSSQL - MySQL and MSSQL brute force and post exploitation tool
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Weak Usernames or Passwords Enumeration For Web
- GitHub - lijiejie/htpwdScan: HTTP weak pass scanner - A python HTTP weak pass scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - netxfly/crack_ssh: go写的协程版的ssh\redis\mongodb弱口令破解工具 - SSH, Redis, mongoDB weak password bruteforcer
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - shengqi158/weak_password_detect: 多线程探测弱密码程序 - A python HTTP weak password scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - s0md3v/Blazy: Blazy is a modern login bruteforcer which also tests for CSRF, Clickjacking, Cloudflare and WAF . - a modern login bruteforcer which also tests for CSRF, Clickjacking, Cloudflare and WAF
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - rapid7/myBFF: myBFF - a Brute Force Framework - Web application brute force framework,supports Citrix Gateway,CiscoVPN and so on
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - TideSec/web_pwd_common_crack: 通用web弱口令破解脚本,旨在批量检测那些没有验证码的管理后台,可用于刷分~ - A common web weak_password cracking script,can detect batches of management backgrounds without verification codes
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Authorization Brute Force or Vulnerability Scan For IoT
- GitHub - rapid7/IoTSeeker: Created by Jin Qian via the GitHub Connector - Weak-password IoT devices scanner
Rating: | Language: Perl | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - shodan-labs/iotdb: Nmap scans of Internet of Things devices - IoT Devices scanner via nmap
Rating: | Language: XML | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - googleinurl/RouterHunterBR: TOOL - Unauthenticated Remote DNS , Scanner ranger IP. - Testing vulnerabilities in devices and routers connected to the Internet
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - NewBee119/telnet-scanner: telnet服务密码撞库 - Weak telnet password scanner based on password enumeration
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - OWASP/Nettacker: Automated Penetration Testing Framework - Open-Source Vulnerability Scanner - Vulnerability Management - Network information gathering vulnerability scanner,most useful to scan IoT
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - threat9/routersploit: Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices - Exploitation Framework for embedded Devices,such as router
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- icsmaster/nse at master · w3h/icsmaster · GitHub - Digital bond's ICS enumeration tools
Rating: | Language: NSE | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Mutiple types of Cross-site scripting Detection
- - A very simple reflected XSS scanner supports GET/POST
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Q2h1Cg/xss_scan: XSS Scan - Reflected XSS scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - BlackHole1/autoFindXssAndCsrf: 自动化检测页面是否存在XSS和CSRF漏洞的浏览器插件(A plugin for browser that checks automatically whether a page haves XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities) - A plugin for browser that checks automatically whether a page haves XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities
Rating: | Language: Javascript | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - shogunlab/shuriken: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) command line tool for testing lists of XSS payloads on web apps. - XSS command line tool for testing lists of XSS payloads on web apps
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - s0md3v/XSStrike: Most advanced XSS scanner. - Fuzz and bruteforce parameters for XSS, WAFs detect and bypass
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - stamparm/DSXS: Damn Small XSS Scanner - A fully functional cross-site scripting vulnerability scanner,supporting GET and POST parameters,and written in under 100 lines of code
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - fcavallarin/domdig: DOM XSS scanner for Single Page Applications - DOM XSS scanner for Single Page Applications
Rating: | Language: Node.js | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - lwzSoviet/NoXss: Faster xss scanner,support reflected-xss and dom-xss - Faster reflected-xss and dom-xss scanner based on Phantomjs
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Enterprise Assets Management or Data Protection
- GitHub - ysrc/xunfeng: 巡风是一款适用于企业内网的漏洞快速应急,巡航扫描系统。 - Vulnerability rapid response,scanning system for intranet
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - x0day/Multisearch-v2: - Enterprise assets collector based on search engine
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Ekultek/Zeus-Scanner: Advanced reconnaissance utility - An advanced dork searching tool that is capable of finding IP address /URL blocked by search engine,and can run sqlmap and nmap scans on the URL's
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - metac0rtex/GitHarvester - Used for harvesting information from GitHub
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - repoog/GitPrey: Searching sensitive files and contents in GitHub associated to company name or other key words - Searching sensitive files and contents in GitHub
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 0xbug/Hawkeye: GitHub 泄露监控系统(GitHub Sensitive Information Leakage Monitor Spider) - Github leak scan for enterprise
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - UnkL4b/GitMiner: Tool for advanced mining for content on Github - Advanced search tool and automation in Github
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - trufflesecurity/trufflehog: Find and verify credentials - Searches high entropy strings through git repositories
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 1N3/Goohak: Automatically Launch Google Hacking Queries Against A Target Domain - Automatically launch Google hacking queries against a target domain
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - techjacker/repo-security-scanner: CLI tool that finds secrets accidentally committed to a git repo, eg passwords, private keys - CLI tool that finds secrets accidentally committed to a git repo, eg passwords, private keys
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - FeeiCN/GSIL: GitHub Sensitive Information Leakage(GitHub敏感信息泄露监控) - Github sensitive information leakage scan
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - MiSecurity/x-patrol: github泄露扫描系统 - Github leaked patrol
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - anshumanbh/git-all-secrets: A tool to capture all the git secrets by leveraging multiple open source git searching tools - A tool to capture all the git secrets by leveraging multiple open source git searching tools
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - VKSRC/Github-Monitor: Github Sensitive Information Leakage Monitor(Github信息泄漏监控系统) - Github sensitive information leakage monitor by vipkid SRC
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Malicious Scripts or Binary Malware Detection
- GitHub - he1m4n6a/findWebshell: findWebshell是一款基于python开发的webshell检测工具。 -Simple webshell detector
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Tencent/HaboMalHunter: HaboMalHunter is a sub-project of Habo Malware Analysis System (, which can be used for automated malware analysis and security assessment on the Linux system. -Used for automated malware analysis and security assessment on the Linux system
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - nbs-system/php-malware-finder - An awesome tool to detect potentially malicious PHP files
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - emposha/PHP-Shell-Detector: Web Shell Detector – is a php script that helps you find and identify php/cgi(perl)/asp/aspx shells. Web Shell Detector has a “web shells” signature database that helps to identify “web shell” up to 99%. - Helps you find and identify PHP/Perl/Asp/Aspx shells
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - erevus-cn/scan_webshell: 很简单的webshell扫描 - Simple webshell detector
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - emposha/Shell-Detector: Shell Detector – is a application that helps you find and identify php/cgi(perl)/asp/aspx shells. Shell Detector has a “web shells” signature database that helps to identify “web shell” up to 99%. - A application that helps you find and identify PHP/Perl/Asp/Aspx shells
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - m4rco-/dorothy2: A malware/botnet analysis framework written in Ruby. - A malware/botnet analysis framework written in Ruby
Rating: | Language: Ruby | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - droidefense/engine: Droidefense: Advance Android Malware Analysis Framework - Advance Android malware analysis framework
Rating: | Language: Java | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Intranet Penetration
- GitHub - lcatro/network_backdoor_scanner: This is a backdoor about discover network device ,and it can hidden reverse connecting the hacker's server with encrypt commuication 后渗透后门程序,适合在已经攻陷的内网中做下一步的网络信息扫描.. - An internal network scanner like meterpreter
Rating: | Language: C++ | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - User hunter using WinAPI calls only
Rating: | Language: C++ | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - BlackHole1/WebRtcXSS: 利用XSS入侵内网(Use XSS automation Invade intranet) - Use XSS automation invade intranet
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Tib3rius/AutoRecon: AutoRecon is a multi-threaded network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services. - A multi-threaded network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Vulnerability Assessment for Middleware or Information Leak Scan
- GitHub - ring04h/wyportmap: 目标端口扫描+系统服务指纹识别 - Target port scanning + system service fingerprint recognition
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ring04h/weakfilescan: 动态多线程敏感信息泄露检测工具 - Dynamic multi - thread sensitive information leak detection tool
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - EnableSecurity/wafw00f: WAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) products protecting a website. - Identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - rbsec/sslscan: sslscan tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites - Tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites
Rating: | Language: C | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - TideSec/TideFinger: TideFinger——指纹识别小工具,汲取整合了多个web指纹库,结合了多种指纹检测方法,让指纹检测更快捷、准确。 - Web fingerprint identification tool, more fingerprint database, more detection methods
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - TideSec/FuzzScanner: 一个主要用于信息搜集的工具集,主要是用于对网站子域名、开放端口、端口指纹、c段地址、敏感目录等信息进行批量搜集。 - Comprehensive web information collection platform, easy to deploy, versatile and practical
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - urbanadventurer/WhatWeb: Next generation web scanner - Website fingerprinter
Rating: | Language: Ruby | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - tanjiti/FingerPrint: web应用指纹识别 - Another website fingerprinter
Rating: | Language: Perl | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - nanshihui/Scan-T: a new crawler based on python with more function including Network fingerprint search - A new spider based on Python with more function including Network fingerprint search
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - OffensivePython/Nscan: Nscan: Fast internet-wide scanner - Fast internet-wide scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ywolf/F-NAScan: Scanning a network asset information script - Scanning a network asset information script
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - maurosoria/dirsearch: Web path scanner - Web path scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - x0day/bannerscan: - C-segment Banner with path scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - RASSec/RASscan: Port service SCan - Internal network port speed scanners
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 3xp10it/xwaf: Automatic bypass (brute force) waf - Automatic WAF Bypass Fuzzing Tool
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 3xp10it/xcdn: Try to find out the real ip behind cdn - Try to find out the actual ip behind cdn
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Xyntax/BingC: 基于Bing搜索引擎的C段/旁站查询,多线程,支持API - Based on the Bing search engine C / side-stop query, multi-threaded, supported API
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Xyntax/DirBrute: 多线程WEB目录爆破工具 [Multi-thread WEB directory blasting tool(with dics inside) ] - Multi-thread web directory enumerating tool
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - zer0h/httpscan: 一个爬虫式的网段Web主机发现小工具 # A HTTP Service detector with a crawler from IP/CIDR - A HTTP service detector with a crawler from IP/CIDR
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - lietdai/doom: DOOM是在thorn上实现的分布式任务分发的ip端口漏洞扫描器 - Distributed task distribution of the IP port vulnerability scanner based on thorn
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ChiChou/grab.js: fast TCP banner grabbing with node.js - Fast TCP banner grabbing like zgrab, but supports much more protocol
Rating: | Language: Node.js | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Nitr4x/whichCDN: WhichCDN allows to detect if a given website is protected by a Content Delivery Network - Detect if a given website is protected by a CDN
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - secfree/bcrpscan: Base on crawler result web path scanner. - Base on crawler result web path scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - mozilla/ssh_scan: DEPRECATED - A prototype SSH configuration and policy scanner (Blog: - A prototype SSH configuration and policy scanner
Rating: | Language: Ruby | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 18F/domain-scan: A lightweight pipeline, locally or in Lambda, for scanning things like HTTPS, third party service use, and web accessibility. - Scans domains for data on their HTTPS configuration and assorted other things
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ggusoft/inforfinder: Inforfinder is a tool to collect information of any domains pointing at some server (ip, domain, range, file). Is able to detect all domains pointing to an IP address and detect CMS version installed in a web (Wordpress, Joomla, prestashop, etc), also is able to detect PHP version, Web Server version, Plesk version... - A tool made to collect information of any domain pointing at a server and fingerprinter
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - boy-hack/gwhatweb: CMS识别 python gevent实现 - Fingerprinter for CMS
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Mosuan/FileScan: FileScan: 敏感文件扫描 / 二次判断降低误报率 / 扫描内容规则化 / 多目录扫描 - Sensitive files scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Xyntax/FileSensor: Dynamic file detection tool based on crawler 基于爬虫的动态敏感文件探测工具 - Dynamic file detection tool based on crawler
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - deibit/cansina: Web Content Discovery Tool - Web content discovery tool
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - mozilla/cipherscan: A very simple way to find out which SSL ciphersuites are supported by a target. - A very simple way to find out which SSL ciphersuites are supported by a target
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/Bash Shell | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - xmendez/wfuzz: Web application fuzzer - Web application framework and web content scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - s0md3v/Breacher: An advanced multithreaded admin panel finder written in python. - An advanced multithreaded admin panel finder written in Python
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ztgrace/changeme: A default credential scanner. - A default credential scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - medbenali/CyberScan: CyberScan: Network's Forensics ToolKit - An open source penetration testing tool that can analyse packets,decoding,scanning ports, pinging and geolocation of an IP
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - m0nad/HellRaiser: Vulnerability scanner using Nmap for scanning and correlating found CPEs with CVEs. - HellRaiser scan with nmap then correlates cpe's found with cve-search to enumerate vulnerabilities
Rating: | Language: Ruby | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - scipag/vulscan: Advanced vulnerability scanning with Nmap NSE - Advanced vulnerability scanning with Nmap NSE
Rating: | Language: NSE | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - jekyc/wig: WebApp Information Gatherer - WebApp information gatherer
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - eldraco/domain_analyzer: Analyze the security of any domain by finding all the information possible. Made in python. - Analyze the security of any domain by finding all the information possible
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - cloudtracer/paskto: Paskto - Passive Web Scanner - Passive directory scanner and web crawler based on Nikto DB
Rating: | Language: Node.js | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - zerokeeper/WebEye - A web service and WAF fingerprinter
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - santoru/shcheck: A basic tool to check security headers of a website - Just check security headers on a target website
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - aipengjie/sensitivefilescan - A speed and awesome sensitive files scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - fnk0c/cangibrina: A fast and powerfull dashboard (admin) finder - A fast and powerfull dashboard (admin) finder
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - n4xh4ck5/CMSsc4n: Tool to identify if a domain is a CMS such as Wordpress, Moodle, Joomla, Drupal or Prestashop - Tool to identify if a domain is a CMS such as Wordpress, Moodle, Joomla
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Ekultek/WhatWaf: Detect and bypass web application firewalls and protection systems - Detect and bypass web application firewalls and protection systems
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - dzonerzy/goWAPT: Go Web Application Penetration Test - Go web application penetration test and web application fuzz tool
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - blackye/webdirdig: web敏感目录、信息泄漏批量扫描脚本,结合爬虫、目录深度遍历。 - Sensitive files scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - Information gathering tool for a website or IP address
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - boy-hack/w8fuckcdn: Get website IP address by scanning the entire net 通过扫描全网绕过CDN获取网站IP地址 - Get the website real IP address by scanning the entire net
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - w-digital-scanner/w11scan: 分布式WEB指纹识别平台 Distributed WEB fingerprint identification platform - Distributed web fingerprint identification platform
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Nekmo/dirhunt: Find web directories without bruteforce - Find web directories without bruteforce
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - Searches the directory of choice for interesting files. Such as database files and files with passwords stored on them
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - H4ckForJob/dirmap: An advanced web directory & file scanning tool that will be more powerful than DirBuster, Dirsearch, cansina, and Yu Jian.一个高级web目录、文件扫描工具,功能将会强于DirBuster、Dirsearch、cansina、御剑。 - An advanced web directory scanning tool that will be more powerful than DirBuster, Dirsearch, cansina, and Yu Jian
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - s0md3v/Photon: Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT. - **Incredibly fast crawler which extracts urls, emails, files, website accounts and much more
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 1N3/BlackWidow: A Python based web application scanner to gather OSINT and fuzz for OWASP vulnerabilities on a target website. - Gather OSINT and fuzz for OWASP vulnerabilities on a target website
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - saeeddhqan/Maryam: Maryam: Open-source Intelligence(OSINT) Framework - OSINT and Web-based Footprinting modular framework based on the Recon-ng
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Special Components or Vulnerability Categories Scan
- GitHub - 1N3/XSSTracer: A small python script to check for Cross-Site Tracing (XST) - A small python script to check for cross-Site tracing, Clickjacking etc
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 0xHJK/dumpall: 一款信息泄漏利用工具,适用于.git/.svn/.DS_Store泄漏和目录列出 -
disclosure exploit
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - shengqi158/svnhack: 用于还原svn仓库,支持1.6,1.7 - A
folder disclosure exploit
Rating: | Language: NSE | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - lijiejie/GitHack: A `.git` folder disclosure exploit - A
folder disclosure exploit
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - blackye/Jenkins: Jenkins漏洞探测、用户抓取爆破 - Jenkins vulnerability detection, user grab enumerating
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - code-scan/dzscan: Dzscan - discuz scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Q2h1Cg/CMS-Exploit-Framework: CMS Exploit Framework -CMS exploit framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - lijiejie/IIS_shortname_Scanner: an IIS shortname Scanner - An IIS shortname scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - riusksk/FlashScanner: Flash XSS Scanner - Flash XSS scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - epinna/tplmap: Server-Side Template Injection and Code Injection Detection and Exploitation Tool - Automatic Server-Side Template Injection detection and exploitation tool
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - cr0hn/dockerscan: Docker security analysis & hacking tools - Docker security analysis & hacking tools
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - Simple Wordpress security scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - rastating/wordpress-exploit-framework: A Ruby framework designed to aid in the penetration testing of WordPress systems. - Ruby framework for developing and using modules which aid in the penetration testing of WordPress powered websites and systems
Rating: | Language: Ruby | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ilmila/J2EEScan: J2EEScan is a plugin for Burp Suite Proxy. The goal of this plugin is to improve the test coverage during web application penetration tests on J2EE applications. - A plugin for Burp Suite proxy to improve the test coverage during web application penetration tests on J2EE applications
Rating: | Language: Java | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - riusksk/StrutScan: Struts2 Vuls Scanner base perl script - Struts2 vuls scanner base Perl script
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - D35m0nd142/LFISuite: Totally Automatic LFI Exploiter (+ Reverse Shell) and Scanner - Totally automatic LFI exploiterand scanner supports reverse shell
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 0x4D31/salt-scanner: Linux vulnerability scanner based on Salt Open and Vulners audit API, with Slack notifications and JIRA integration - Linux vulnerability scanner based on Salt Open and vulners audit API, with Slack notifications and JIRA integration
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - tijme/angularjs-csti-scanner: Automated client-side template injection (sandbox escape/bypass) detection for AngularJS v1.x. - Automated client-side template injection detection for AngularJS
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - irsdl/IIS-ShortName-Scanner: latest version of scanners for IIS short filename (8.3) disclosure vulnerability - Scanners for IIS short filename 8.3 disclosure vulnerability
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - swisskyrepo/Wordpresscan: WPScan rewritten in Python + some WPSeku ideas - WPScan rewritten in Python + some WPSeku ideas
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - CHYbeta/cmsPoc: CMS渗透测试框架-A CMS Exploit Framework - CMS exploit framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 3gstudent/Smbtouch-Scanner: Automatically scan the inner network to detect whether they are vulnerable. - Automatically scan the inner network to detect whether they are vulnerable
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - OsandaMalith/LFiFreak: A unique automated LFi Exploiter with Bind/Reverse Shells - A unique automated LFI exploiter with bind/reverse shells
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - maK-/parameth: This tool can be used to brute discover GET and POST parameters - This tool can be used to brute discover GET and POST parameters
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Lucifer1993/struts-scan: Python2编写的struts2漏洞全版本检测和利用工具 - Struts2 vuls scanner,supported all vuls
Rating: | Language: C#/Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - hahwul/a2sv: Auto Scanning to SSL Vulnerability - Auto scanning to SSL vulnerability, such as heartbleed etc
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - NickstaDB/BaRMIe: Java RMI enumeration and attack tool. - Java RMI enumeration and attack tool
Rating: | Language: Java | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - RetireJS/grunt-retire: Grunt plugin for retire. - Scanner detecting the use of Javascript libraries with known vulnerabilities
Rating: | Language: Node.js | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - shouc/daudit: ???? Configuration flaws detector for Hadoop, MongoDB, MySQL, and more! - The vulnerability detector for Hadoop and Spark
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - jagracey/RegEx-DoS: :cop: RegEx Denial of Service (ReDos) Scanner - RegEx Denial of service scanner for Node.js package
Rating: | Language: Node.js | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - milesrichardson/docker-onion-nmap: Scan .onion hidden services with nmap using Tor, proxychains and dnsmasq in a minimal alpine Docker container. - Scan .onion hidden services with nmap using Tor, proxychains and dnsmasq
Rating: | Language: Bash Shell | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- Sign in to GitHub · GitHub - Web CMS exploit framework
Rating: | Language: Perl | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - lijiejie/BBScan: A fast vulnerability scanner - A tiny batch web vulnerability scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - almandin/fuxploider: File upload vulnerability scanner and exploitation tool. - File upload vulnerability scanner and exploitation tool
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Jamalc0m/wphunter: WPHunter A Wordpress Vulnerability Scanner - A Wordpress vulnerability scanner
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - RetireJS/retire.js: scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities. Can also generate an SBOM of the libraries it finds. - A scanner detecting the use of Javascript libraries with known vulnerabilities
Rating: | Language: Node.js | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 3xp10it/xupload: A tool for automatically testing whether the upload function can upload webshell - A tool for automatically testing whether the upload function can upload webshell
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - OWASP/vbscan: OWASP VBScan is a Black Box vBulletin Vulnerability Scanner - OWASP VBScan is a Black Box vBulletin vulnerability scanner
Rating: | Language: Perl | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - M4DM0e/BadMod: CMS auto detect and exploit. - Detect websites CMS & auto exploit
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Tuhinshubhra/CMSeeK: CMS Detection and Exploitation suite - Scan WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and over 180 other CMSs - CMS detection and exploitation suite
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - aquasecurity/cloudsploit: Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) - AWS security scanning checks
Rating: | Language: Node.js | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - radenvodka/SVScanner: SVScanner - Scanner Vulnerability And MaSsive Exploit. - Scanner vulnerability and massive exploit for Wordpress,Magento,Joomla and so on
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - OWASP/joomscan: OWASP Joomla Vulnerability Scanner Project - OWASP Joomla vulnerability scanner project
Rating: | Language: Perl | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - jimywork/djangohunter: Tool designed to help identify incorrectly configured Django applications that are exposing sensitive information. - Tool designed to help identify incorrectly configured Django applications that are exposing sensitive information
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - vulmon/Vulmap: Vulmap Online Local Vulnerability Scanners Project - Local vulnerability scanning programs for Windows and Linux operating systems
Rating: | Language: Powershell/Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - seungsoo-lee/DELTA: PROJECT DELTA: SDN SECURITY EVALUATION FRAMEWORK - Sdn security evaluation framework
Rating: | Language: Java/Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - Facebook Brute Forcer in shellscript using TOR
Rating: | Language: Bash Shell | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - cyberark/KubiScan: A tool to scan Kubernetes cluster for risky permissions - A tool to scan Kubernetes cluster for risky permissions
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Vulnerability Assessment for Wireless Network
- GitHub - savio-code/fern-wifi-cracker: Automatically exported from - Testing and discovering flaws in ones own network
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - P0cL4bs/WiFi-Pumpkin-deprecated: DEPRECATED, wifipumpkin3 -> - Framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - A Suite of Tools written in Python for wireless auditing and security testing
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - WiPi-Hunter/PiFinger: ????????Searches for wifi-pineapple traces and calculate wireless network security score ???? - Searches for wifi-pineapple traces and calculate wireless network security score
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - derv82/wifite2: Rewrite of the popular wireless network auditor, "wifite" - A complete re-write of Wifite,Automated Wireless Attack Tool
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Local Area Network detection
- GitHub - m4n3dw0lf/pythem: pentest framework - Multi-purpose network pentest framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - sowish/LNScan: 详细的内部网络信息扫描器 - Local Network Scanner based on BBScan via.lijiejie
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - niloofarkheirkhah/nili: Nili is a Tool for Network Scan, Man in the Middle, Protocol Reverse Engineering and Fuzzing. - Tool for Network Scan, Man in the Middle, Protocol Reverse Engineering and Fuzzing
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - SkyLined/LocalNetworkScanner: PoC Javascript that scans your local network when you open a webpage - PoC Javascript that scans your local network when you open a webpage
Rating: | Language: Javascript | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Dynamic or Static Code Analysis
- GitHub - FeeiCN/Cobra: Source Code Security Audit (源代码安全审计) - A static code analysis system that automates the detecting vulnerabilities and security issue
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - OneSourceCat/phpvulhunter: A tool that can scan php vulnerabilities automatically using static analysis methods - A tool that can scan php vulnerabilities automatically using static analysis methods
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Qihoo360/phptrace: A tracing and troubleshooting tool for PHP scripts. - A tracing and troubleshooting tool for PHP scripts
Rating: | Language: C | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ajinabraham/nodejsscan: nodejsscan is a static security code scanner for Node.js applications. - A static security code scanner for Node.js applications
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - shengqi158/pyvulhunter: python audit tool 审计 注入 inject - A static security code scanner for Python applications
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - python-security/pyt: A Static Analysis Tool for Detecting Security Vulnerabilities in Python Web Applications - A static analysis tool for detecting security vulnerabilities in Python web applications
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - emanuil/php-reaper: PHP tool to scan ADOdb code for SQL Injections - PHP tool to scan ADOdb code for SQL injections
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - lowjoel/phortress: A PHP static code analyser for potential vulnerabilities - A PHP static code analyser for potential vulnerabilities
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Modular Design Scanners or Vulnerability Detecting Framework
- GitHub - infobyte/faraday: Open Source Vulnerability Management Platform - Collaborative penetration test and vulnerability management platform
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - blackye/lalascan: 自主开发的分布式web漏洞扫描框架,集合webkit爬虫,Subdomain子域名发现,sqli、反射xss、Domxss等owasp top10漏洞扫描和边界资产发现能力。同时为通用CMS POC扫描提供了插件扩展平台 - Distributed web vulnerability scanning framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - blackye/BkScanner: BkScanner 分布式、插件化web漏洞扫描器 - Distributed, plug-in web vulnerability scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - ysrc/GourdScanV2: 被动式漏洞扫描系统 - Passive vulnerability scanning system
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - netxfly/passive_scan: 基于http代理的web漏洞扫描器的实现 - Realization of web vulnerability scanner based on http proxy
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 1N3/Sn1per: Attack Surface Management Platform - Automated pentest recon scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - RASSec/pentestER-Fully-automatic-scanner: DNS Subdomain● Brute force ● Web Spider ● Nmap Scan ● etc - Directional fully automated penetration testing
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Xyntax/POC-T: 渗透测试插件化并发框架 / Open-sourced remote vulnerability PoC/EXP framework - Penetration test plug-in concurrency framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - v3n0m-Scanner/V3n0M-Scanner: Popular Pentesting scanner in Python3.6 for SQLi/XSS/LFI/RFI and other Vulns - Scanner in Python3.5 for SQLi/XSS/LFI/RFI and other vulns
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Skycrab/leakScan: 在线漏洞扫描 - Multiple vuls scan supports web interface
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - zhangzhenfeng/AnyScan: AnyScan - A automated penetration testing framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK: All in one tool for Information Gathering, Vulnerability Scanning and Crawling. A must have tool for all penetration testers - An all In one tool For information gathering, SQL vulnerability scanning and crawling, coded In PHP
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - swisskyrepo/DamnWebScanner: Another web vulnerabilities scanner, this extension works on Chrome and Opera - Another web vulnerabilities scanner, this extension works on Chrome and Opera
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - tulpar/tulpar: Tulpar - Web Vulnerability Scanner - Web Vulnerability Scanner written in Python,supported multiple web vulnerabilities scan
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - A web application security scanner tool,designed to find various default and insecure files, configurations and misconfigurations
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - An automated penetration testing tool this tool will auditing all standard security test method for you
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 0xsauby/yasuo: A ruby script that scans for vulnerable & exploitable 3rd-party web applications on a network - ruby script that scans for vulnerable & exploitable 3rd-party web applications on a network
Rating: | Language: Ruby | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - hatRiot/clusterd: application server attack toolkit - application server attack toolkit
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - erevus-cn/pocscan: Will to be a niubility scan-framework - Open source and distributed web vulnerability scanning framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - TophantTechnology/osprey - Distributed web vulnerability scanning framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - yangbh/Hammer: A web vulnerability scanner framework - A web vulnerability scanner framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Lucifer1993/AngelSword: Python3编写的CMS漏洞检测框架 - Web vulnerability scanner framework based on python3
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - zaproxy/zaproxy: The OWASP ZAP core project - One of the world’s most popular free security tools and is actively maintained by hundreds of international volunteers
Rating: | Language: Java | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - s0md3v/Striker: Striker is an offensive information and vulnerability scanner. - Striker is an offensive information and vulnerability scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - dermotblair/webvulscan: Web Application Vulnerability Scanner. - Written in PHP and can be used to test remote, or local, web applications for security vulnerabilities
Rating: | Language: PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - alienwithin/OWASP-mth3l3m3nt-framework: OWASP Mth3l3m3nt Framework is a penetration testing aiding tool and exploitation framework. It fosters a principle of attack the web using the web as well as pentest on the go through its responsive interface. - Penetration testing aiding tool and exploitation framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - toyakula/luna: luna webscanner - An open-source web security scanner which is based on reduced-code passive scanning framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Manisso/fsociety: fsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework - A Penetration Testing Framework including Information Gathering,Wireless Testing,Web Hacking and so on
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - w-digital-scanner/w9scan: Plug-in type web vulnerability scanner - A web vulnerability scanner framework,running with 1200+ plugins
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - YalcinYolalan/WSSAT: WEB SERVICE SECURITY ASSESSMENT TOOL - Web service security assessment tool,provide simple .exe application to use based on Windows OS
Rating: | Language: C# | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - AmyangXYZ/AssassinGo: An extensible and concurrency pentest framework in Go, also with WebGUI. Feel free to CONTRIBUTE! - An extenisble and concurrency pentest framework in Go
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- - Web application audit framework,like metasploit
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - joker25000/Optiva-Framework: Optiva-Framework ???? Web Application Scanner????️ - Web Application Scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - 0xInfection/TIDoS-Framework: The Offensive Manual Web Application Penetration Testing Framework. - The offensive web application penetration testing framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - TideSec/WDScanner: WDScanner平台目前实现了如下功能:分布式web漏洞扫描、客户管理、漏洞定期扫描、子域名枚举、端口扫描、网站爬虫、暗链检测、坏链检测、网站指纹搜集、专项漏洞检测、代理搜集及部署等功能。 - A full-featured vulnerability scanner for enterprise security
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x/PHP | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - j3ssie/osmedeus: A Workflow Engine for Offensive Security - Fully automated offensive security tool for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - jeffzh3ng/fuxi: Penetration Testing Platform - Open source network security vulnerability scanner with asset discovery & management
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - knownsec/Pocsuite: This project has stopped to maintenance, please to project. - Open-sourced remote vulnerability testing framework
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - opensec-cn/kunpeng: - An open source POC framework written by Golang that provides various language calls in the form of a dynamic link library
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - jaeles-project/jaeles: The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing - The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing
Rating: | Language: Go | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - TideSec/Mars: - The totally new generation of WDScanner
Rating: | Language: Python 3.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Advanced Persistent Threat
- GitHub - Neo23x0/Loki: Loki - Simple IOC and YARA Scanner - Simple IOC and Incident Response Scanner
Rating: | Language: Python 2.x | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
- GitHub - Neo23x0/Fenrir: Simple Bash IOC Scanner - Simple IOC and Incident Response Scanner
Rating: | Language: Bash Shell | Ongoing[last 6 months]:
Why Create This Collection?
The purpose of this collection is to provide various types of open-source security scanners that can help companies to be more safer.
Commit Symbolic Description
[↑] means update scanner URL or description
[+] means add scanner
[-] means remove scanner
[category] means change scanner category
[contributor] means add someone to Acknowledgments
Wester(Twitter @Zhiyang Zeng) & Martin(Twitter @Martin Chow)
Legal Disclaimer
The scanners provided by this project are for research and study purposes only, and you must obey the laws and regulations of your country during use. If you are a Chinese citizen, please ensure you are obedient to The Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China, and please do not break the article 286 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China for the regulation on the crime of destroying computer systems. At last, I would like to point out to you that you must be fully held responsible duty for any consequence that may arise.
How to contribute?
If you have any questions about this project ,or you have found some valuable scanners, please feel free to tell us :)
scanbox is released under the Mozilla license.
It's happy to see that this repository has been widely spreaded in information security community, but I hope everyone could at all times respect knowledge and our efforts, so please specify reproduced from GitHub - We5ter/Scanners-Box: A powerful and open-source toolkit for hackers and security automation - in your articles, and please do not republish this article for profit.
We would like to thanks the following security researchers for their valuable feedbacks amd suggestions.
- @0c0c0f
- @藏形匿影
- @Mottoin team
- @BlackHole
- @CodeColorist
- @3xp10it
- @re4lity
- @s0md3v
- @boy-hack
- @marsII
- @tom0li
- @hksanduo
- @alexlauerman
- @MedivhMT
- @TideSec
- @0xHJK
- @j3ssie
- @Luci-d
- @cnlnn
- @yunxu1
- @saeeddhqan
©Monster Zero Team 2019