Security Projects - Page 22
We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
DNS without DNSSec (DNS Security Extensions) is not secure. It's that simple.
Jim Stickley is a professional hacker. Companies hire him to attempt to hack into their financial information, and identify weaknesses in their security practices.
Google's dramatic shift to a seven-day grace period before disclosing actively exploited zero-day vulnerabilities in software has drawn both praise and derision from security experts.
Despite multiple photos and surveillance video images of two suspects involved in the Boston Marathon bombings last month, as well as state-of-the-art facial-recognition software and two government databases, investigators were unable to identify the two suspected perpetrators, even after releasing several of the images to the public.
Facebook will host a Capture the Flag competition to find the next generation of cyber security experts. The competition includes a total prize fund of
When we were asked to keynote a recent CSO event, it was a pleasant surprise that the top concern of the CSOs was "security culture." From performing many security assessments and penetration tests, it is sadly obvious that even the best technical security efforts will fail if their company has a weak security culture.
The arrest of a 24-year-old Australian claiming to be the head of an international hacking ring and a Twitter hack that briefly sent Wall Street into a tailspin last week has shone the light on hackers as Perth prepares to host its first "hacker con".
Detractors of open source software often point to its broad developer base and open source code as a potential security risk. But that's not a fair assessment, according to Dr Ian Levy, technical director with the CESG, a department of the UK's GCHQ intelligence agency that advises UK government on IT security.
Cyber security consultancy Context IS shares some of the techniques it has used to inflitrate financial institutions in 'red team' exercises
The Hack in the Box (#HITB2013AMS) security conference in Amsterdam has a very interesting lineup of talks [pdf]. One that jumped out was the Aircraft Hacking: Practical Aero Series presented by Hugo Teso, a security consultant at n.runs in Germany.
Over the course of a 15-year career as a security professional, Johnny Long - aka j0hnnyhax - led a team breaking into the systems (and occasionally the buildings) of major firms and US government agencies to identify their security holes.
Just how big is the Internet? An anonymous hacker claims to have answered the question via effective but illegal means. The result is a fascinating reflection of online usage around the world.
Popular Wi-Fi password cracking tool Backtrack
When I wrote the first edition, we put the chapters online free after four years and found that this boosted sales of the paper edition. People would find a useful chapter online and then buy the book to have it as a reference. Wiley and I agreed to do the same with the second edition, and now, four years after publication, I am putting all the chapters online for free. Enjoy them
Wesley McGrew, a research assistant at Mississippi State University, may be among the few people thrilled with the latest grim report into a years-long hacking campaign against dozens of U.S. companies and organizations.
Security camera footage helped investigators identify a man suspected of sending online threats via remotely controlled computers, law enforcement sources said.
Thanks to Microsoft's Windows 8 UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) Secure Boot there was no easy way to boot Linux, or any other operating system, on Windows 8 PCs. Now, there are two ways, the recently released Linux Foundation (LF) UEFI secure boot system and Matthew Garrett's shim system to boot Linux on these PCs. Soon, there will be only one unified way.
So you think you're a big-time hacker huh? Well Google invites you to show up at the CanSecWest security conference on March 7 in Vancouver, BC to see if you can crack your way into Chrome OS. And, to make it worth your time, Google is offering a pi worth of cash rewards.
In a world where online attackers laugh in the face of legislation and jurisdiction, the best way to protect yourself might be to hire someone to identify your problems first. But why hire a single hacker when you can hire a team of them?
The Mozilla Foundation is developing an open source security framework called Minion and plans to release a beta version in the first quarter of 2013. Minion will allow developers to subject their web applications to a security check.