Blockchain expert Rosa Shores agrees: Unless you have a data integrity problem, blockchain won't fix it. Try a distributed ledger instead. What are your thoughts on this? Comment below.
I recently heard yet another blockchain expert who was supposed to razzle dazzle a computer IT audience with the promise of blockchain. Usually, I hate these events, but I was a guest speaker and couldn’t slip out of the room. Imagine my surprise and relief when this speaker, whose job is to gin up interest in blockchain, didn’t over-sell it. In fact, she said, “Blockchain may not be the right technology for you.”
The speaker was CEO and BlockSpaces co-founder Rosa Shores. BlockSpaces is a Tampa, Florida-based blockchain incubator. It opened two years ago but came about from earlier informal meetings about blockchain technology that Rosa had been involved with since 2014. Now, BlockSpaces is involved with a multitude of companies, large and small, making and exploring real applications using blockchain. Most aren’t related to cryptocurrencies.