The patch management process can be painful, tedious, and time and labor intensive. Often, all this effort is for no other purpose than to maintain the operational status quo. And for devs or sysadmins, patch management has to happen on top of handling every-day activities as well as any other additional challenges that occur during service interruptions or system reboots.
When it comes to language-level vulnerabilities, patching challenges today present a proverbial “one-step-forward-two-steps-back” environment for developers. You know what we’re talking about…the hop-on/hop-off/hop-on again merry-go-round of patch management just to ensure a reasonable level of operations, security and compliance. And despite best efforts, there’s always another vulnerability (or two or three or TEN!) right around the corner.
When it comes to vulnerabilities, every security professional worth their salt knows that there is no single security answer. Yes, you can implement advanced threat protection, zero trust, and endpoint security. But those solutions aren’t going to get you to the 99.999% solution. An ongoing vulnerability patch management process must be a key component of the overall security solution.