It was discovered that under specific microarchitectural circumstances, a register in "Zen 2" CPUs might not be written to 0 correctly, potentially causing data from another process and/or thread to be stored in the YMM register (CVE-2023-20593, also known as Zenbleed).
This vulnerability could result in the exposure of sensitive data.
Updated microcode packages that mitigate this flaw are now available for Amd Epyc gen 2 CPUs. Other Zen 2-based CPUs will get their microcode update later when AMD has fixed and validated the microcodes. Given that this bug poses a severe threat to the confidentiality of sensitive information, it is crucial that all impacted users apply the updates issued by Debian, Debian LTS, Fedora, Mageia, Oracle, Slackware, SUSE and Ubuntu now to prevent potential compromise of their critical data.
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