Security is all the rage - according to several meanings of "rage:" a hot news topic as well as a cause of hair-tearing anger. . . .
Security is all the rage - according to several meanings of "rage:" a hot news topic as well as a cause of hair-tearing anger.

Almost every day there's a new flap about some Internet threat: spam, viruses, popups, hackers, and now "spyware" (sneaky programs that hide on your computer to watch what you do and report back to advertisers or criminals).

So, of course, there are plenty of people who will sell you security solutions - or advertise what they're already selling as "better for security," or add a "free" security option to their service. (Too many of these aren't really free. Only the "finding problems" part is free. The "fixing problems" part costs you extra, right away or after a few months.)

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