Paquet: I don't care if you can back my data up or not. I only care if you can recover it. Backup doesn't matter.
IT Architect: How do you recover if you don't have any backup?
Paquet: I replicate it, I copy it. I cluster it, I use WAFS, I use continuous data protection. Backup doesn't have to be the answer. There are all sorts of things I can do, and sometimes it is backup, but the key is that backup is just a means for recovery, and it's recovery that matters.
First they have to look at the problem of, what do we need to be able to recover? The parameters for recovery are: How much time does it take for me to recover? How much data will we lose when we do a recovery, what is the recovery time objective and recovery point objective? How much money can we spend on the problem? And how much data are we going to retain for recovery purposes? Then with those four simple parameters defined, we create an equation that tells us what the right technology is.
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