To defend themselves against a rising tide of electronic attacks, companies, agencies and other organizations should routinely try to crack their own secure systems, according to a report released today. To ensure cybersecurity, individual organizations should "conduct frequent, unannounced red-team penetration . . .
To defend themselves against a rising tide of electronic attacks, companies, agencies and other organizations should routinely try to crack their own secure systems, according to a report released today. To ensure cybersecurity, individual organizations should "conduct frequent, unannounced red-team penetration testing of deployed systems and report the results to responsible management," wrote the authors of "Cybersecurity Today and Tomorrow," a report issued today by the National Research Council (NRC).
The report found that "in the United States, information system vulnerabilities...are growing faster than the country's ability (and willingness) to respond."
Report authors cite a laundry list of steps that individual organizations and information technology vendors can take to reduce their exposure to electronic attacks, and further urge the government to step in where private efforts fail.
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