Companies should take the proprietary route to provide security for web services-based transactions over the next three years, according to analysts. In a research paper, Security Pattern Standards Face a Long Road to Maturity, analyst Gartner advises firms to rely on vendor-provided technology to provide security for web services-based transactions until 2006. . .
Companies should take the proprietary route to provide security for web services-based transactions over the next three years, according to analysts. In a research paper, Security Pattern Standards Face a Long Road to Maturity, analyst Gartner advises firms to rely on vendor-provided technology to provide security for web services-based transactions until 2006, even though it may not comply with standards.

Although there are no products as such, major vendors sell application development packages, such as Microsoft's Visual Studio .Net, which have the facility to build security into web services.

The Gartner report argues that web services security is immature and that complex, multi-party web services will require newer, more versatile security patterns for electronic transactions.

By using XML, Simple Object Access Protocol and Web Services Description Language, WS-Security related specifications are designed to be used together to provide a rich, secure web services environment.

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