Jail chroots an environment and sets certain restrictions on processes which are forked from within. For example, a jailed process cannot affect processes outside of the jail, utilize certain system calls, or inflict any damage on the main computer. Jail is . . .
Jail chroots an environment and sets certain restrictions on processes which are forked from within. For example, a jailed process cannot affect processes outside of the jail, utilize certain system calls, or inflict any damage on the main computer. Jail is becoming the new security model. People are running potentially vulnerable servers such as Apache, BIND, and sendmail within jails, so that if an attacker gains root within the Jail, it is only an annoyance, and not a devastation. This article focuses on the internals (source code) of Jail and Jail NG. It will also suggest improvements upon the jail code base which are already being worked on. If you are looking for a how-to on setting up a Jail, I suggest you look at my other article in Sys Admin Magazine, May 2001, entitled "Securing FreeBSD using Jail."
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