Requires free registration, but a good article nonetheless.
"Can a firewall slow down HTTP proxies? If it is being used as a VPN (Virtual Private Network) endsite, and is performing encryption algorithms, the answer is "absolutely". Though proxy firewalls have come . . . Requires free registration, but a good article nonetheless.
"Can a firewall slow down HTTP proxies? If it is being used as a VPN (Virtual Private Network) endsite, and is performing encryption algorithms, the answer is "absolutely". Though proxy firewalls have come a long way, and can be as fast as stateful packet inspection firewalls if engineered efficiently, they too have also been known to suffer performance problems depending upon what they're being used for. Putting a DNS server both inside and outside your firewall - a technique called "split DNS" - might give your website a performance boost, however, the key benefit is the added security of not allowing external users the ability to "see" inside the network." The link for this article located at TechnologyEvaulation is no longer available.