This article will provide you an overview of various security issues with PHP and offer advice on secure PHP programming practices. PHP has achieved a stable and solid presence on the Web in the last several years, and its popularity as . . .
This article will provide you an overview of various security issues with PHP and offer advice on secure PHP programming practices. PHP has achieved a stable and solid presence on the Web in the last several years, and its popularity as a server-side scripting language is only increasing. Its primary use is for providing dynamically generated interfaces between Web users and the host. As such, PHP scripts fall a natural prey to many Internet attacks. Despite the fact that the language is designed with security in mind, a familiarity with its more dangerous aspects and conformance to common secure programming guidelines is essential to minimizing the possibility of security compromises. The aim of this document is to provide an overview of various security issues with PHP and to offer advice on secure PHP programming practices.
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