Server Security - Page 7
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
The Mac platform now finds itself in the crosshairs of malware developers along with Windows, but that isn't a reason to switch to Linux.
There are a few things you need to always remember when setting up a new Linux server. By default the root login is enabled for most systems. The best practice is to disable root login. Also, if you are transferring files via FTP, the best way to do this securely is via SFTP (not FTP).
Apple is taking steps to address the Java vulnerabilities behind the Flashback Trojan outbreak. But Java isn't the only attack vector for OS X -- and Apple users can no longer cling to the belief that Macs are virtually immune to malware.
The robots currently at work knocking around for your guessable password could easily be repurposed to guess your Unicode password currently known as your port knocking sequence, and quite likely have been already. Plus, we already have authpf(8) for network-level restrictions on access.
The hazards of early DNSSEC adoption: A misconfiguration in NASA
Security consultant: Users who don't run antivirus software on Linux
The last database activity monitoring (DAM) model I want to address is the proxy model. This is the final installment of my trends series, following the business activity monitoring, ADMP and the policy driven security model.
There are methods for attacking networks that even cutting-edge security systems cannot detect, and Advanced Evasion Techniques (AETs) are one example.
As network boundaries blur and longstanding design paradigms fall by the wayside, how do we assign accountability for security? It's a pressing question: Because virtualization gives us so much power and flexibility, we're moving ahead at a breakneck pace, often without looking closely at whether security-assurance levels remain as the services delivery model morphs.
Using Amazon's EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) can pose a security threat to organizations and individuals alike, though Amazon's not to blame, according to researchers from Eurecom, Northeastern University, and SecludIT.
A data-breach-investigations report issued by Verizon earlier this year found 71 percent of all hacking attacks on business take place using remote access or desktop service.
With Wednesday's release of Mac OS X Lion, Apple has definitively leapfrogged its rivals by offering an operating system with state-of-the-art security protections that make it more resistant to malware exploits and other hack attacks, two researchers say.
News about intrusions into the servers of online stores, games vendors and other internet services can now be read on an almost daily basis. Often, the intruders obtain customers' login data including their passwords. As many people use the same password in multiple places, criminals can use the passwords to obtain unauthorised access to further services.
Common wisdom has held for years that Linux is superior to Windows when it comes to security issues. But now that open source is growing in popularity both on the consumer side (think Android phones) and the enterprise side (Linux runs the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world, for example, according to Wikipedia), it's time to push past the adage and look again at the whole "which is safer" issue.
"NSA recommending Vista for home security is merely a reflection of the reality of monopoly in the retail space," said blogger Robert Pogson. "In the USA probably as few as 2 to 3 percent of users use GNU/Linux, so a recommendation is almost useless." Those who are serious about security "are already aware of SELinux, a product of the NSA. The NSA is merely recommending that folks move on from XP, a poor OS poorly supported by M$."