Server Security - Page 17

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Understanding Cross Site Scripting


There are many web applications which are designed to permit the input of html tags for displaying the html formatted data. these tags can be used by malicious users to attack other users by inserting scripts or malicious applets etc.this called cross site scripting or XSS. such attacks are result of poor input validations. it uses the combination of html and scripting languages. with the proper combination of html and java script a intruder can misguide the client and perform various attack from DOS(by opening enormous amount of window on client side) or By embedding malicious FORM tags at the right place, an mailicious user may be able to trick users into revealing sensitive information by modifying the behavior of an existing form or by embedding scripts, an intruder can cause various problems. This is by no means a complete list of problems, but hopefully this is enough to convince you that this is a serious problem.

How to Encrypt Passwords in the Database


If you are developing a password-protected web site, you have to make a decision about how to store user password information securely. What is "secure," anyway? Realize that the data in your database is not safe. What if the password to the database is compromised? Then your entire user password database will be compromised as well. Even if you are quite certain of the security of your database, your users' passwords are still accessible to all administrators who work at the Web hosting company where your database is hosted. Scrambling the passwords using some home-brewed algorithm may add some obscurity but not true "security." Another approach would be to encrypt all passwords in your database using some industry-standard cipher, such as the Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5).

Understanding SQL Injection


SQL injection is a technique used by a malicious user to gain illegal access on the remote machines through the web applications vulnerability. The basic idea behind this technique is to run the sql query which was not intended to run by a programmer. This technique is heavily relay on the logical operations like AND, OR.UNION etc. if this technique is used properly a malicious user can get complete access on a web server. If the application is creating SQL strings naively on the fly (dynamic queries) and then running them, it can create some real surprises as we see later on.

Cross-site Scripting The Top Security Risk


Web administrators beware: cross-site scripting vulnerabilities are now far more attractive targets than more notorious bugs such as buffer overflows, according to new figures from Mitre, a U.S. government-funded research organization. Buffer overflows have long been one of the most common types of bugs attacked by malware, with Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) even building in hardware support for an anti-buffer overflow technology called NX (No Execute) or XD (Execution Disable).

Suggestions for Company Wide Password Vault?


"My company, an IT and business consulting firm of around 150 people, is looking for a Password Vault/Manager/Database solution to manage the numerous passwords we've developed in the course of a major internal network and server upgrade. Our must haves are multiple privilege levels (I don't need to see network passwords, and the network guys don't need to see database passwords, and so on) and it would be nice if we could view when people last retrieved each password. Does anyone manage passwords in this fashion at their work/home? A lot of the free password managers are one user, full access, which is a little less secure than we need. How do other companies (small or large) manage the hundreds of server, network, database, and application passwords that must crop up?"

Enable password aging on Linux systems


Password aging is a mechanism that allows the system to enforce a certain lifetime for passwords. While this may be moderately inconvenient for users, it ensures that passwords are changed occasionally, which is a good security practice. Most Linux distributions do not enable password aging by default, but it's very easy to enable. By editing /etc/login.defs, you can specify a few parameters to set the default settings for password aging: PASS_MAX_DAYS 99999, PASS_MIN_DAYS 0, and PASS_WARN_AGE 7.

HOWTO: Securing A Website With Client SSL Certificates


Let's assume that you have an Apache webserver and a website that you want VERY finite access controls on. You could do it a number of ways, right? You could craft a clever login page and use cookies, session IDs, etc. You could use a simple authentication method like .htaccess. Or, you could create a custom SSL certificate and give that certificate to very specific users that should have access to your site. In a perfect world, only these users could communicate with your site AND the connection would be secured via the magic of SSL.

Web Application Security: Application Error Handling


When an application error occurs, whether due to user input or an internal function, we as conscientious developers want to present an error message that will help the end user correct the problem. However, it is possible to be too helpful with your error handling approach. By providing overly detailed application error messages to your users, you can actually be opening your site to hackers. Hackers spend the majority of their time performing reconnaissance on a site, slowly gathering multiple pieces of information to determine how a site is vulnerable. Sometimes, it is a seemingly innocuous piece of information in an application error message that provides an attacker with the last piece of the puzzle necessary for him to launch a devastating attack.

Holes Remain in SSL VPNs


Your Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN still may not be as secure as you think, especially if your users don't always access the network via corporate-issue laptops. Once they jump on an outside machine to Web browse or check their email, SSL VPN users can leave behind sensitive data or be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks and keystroke loggers, experts say. An infected kiosk can infect your network, too. So even though they may be more convenient than their IPSec counterparts (SSL can be used by browsers anywhere without client software) these VPNs can also backfire if you're not careful in how you deploy them.

Securing the CentOS Perfect Setup with Bastille


This article shows how to secure a CentOS server using psad, Bastille, and some other tweaks. psad is a tool that helps detect port scans and other suspicious traffic, and the Bastille hardening program locks down an operating system, proactively configuring the system for increased security and decreasing its susceptibility to compromise.

Allowing Linux to Authenticate to a Windows 2003 AD Domain


One of the main problems with UNIX/Windows environments is the lack of integration between the two platforms. Userids have to be created separately on each environment, passwords changed separately, etc. This doubles administrative work. This paper will explore using one of several different ways that you can active directory integrate your LINUX boxes to your windows AD forest. This document will give you integration between your linux boxes and your Windows AD forest. Additionally, it will allow you to control who can login to the LINUX boxes by group memberships within Active Directory. It will give you full

Bypassing Script Filters with Variable-Width Encodings


We've all known that the main problem of constructing XSS attacks is how to obfuscate malicious code. In the following paragraphs Cheng will attempt to explain the concept of bypassing script filters with variable-width encodings, and disclose the applications of this concept to Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail web-based mail services.

Security Testing your Apache Configuration with Nikto


By now you've got the perfect setup for your new Ubuntu 6.0.6 (Dapper Drake) box. You may have even followed the excellent Intrusion Detection and Prevention with BASE and Snort tutorial. And as an added precaution you installed DenyHosts to prevent hack attempts via ssh. But now that you've got your new LAMP server on the internet, how can you tell that your new web server is secure? You test it, of course!

Researcher: Hacker Sophistication Outpacing Forensics


Attackers are using increasingly sophisticated methods to stay ahead of security incident response teams, says Kevin Mandia, security consultancy. In the never-ending cat-and-mouse game between hackers and those charged with stopping them, it's pretty clear who's winning--and it's not the cat. Speaking at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas last week, Kevin Mandia, president of Mandiant, an Alexandria, Va.-based security consultancy, said attackers are using increasingly sophisticated methods to evade detection and make life difficult for security incident response teams.