#0000048 The WebTool 'named' module does not check for duplicate zones #0000047 Nagios localhost ping test bug #0000045 SSH cannot create /root/.ssh directory as sysadm_r #0000042 Postfix-2.2.7's broken firewall workaround has problems - ... #0000041 Apache cannot talk to the MySQL socket. #0000039 Unable to mount /home at boot in EnGarde 3.0.3 #0000038 Webtool automatically sets SELinux to Enforcing, even if ... #0000037 Support for PgSQL via WebTool #0000036 UPS - fails to work with selinux enabled #0000035 "postfix reload" fails when run by sysadm_r with selinux ... #0000034 tcpdump fails with selinux enabled
Several other bugs are fixed in this release as well.
New features include:
- A new GDSN Package Management Interface in the Guardian Digital WebTool which allows you to easily browse and install packages from the EnGarde Secure Linux package archives.
- A new Spanish (Español) translation of the Guardian Digital WebTool, courtesy of Joe Rodiguez Jr. To use this translation go into to the WebTool Configuration module, click on your username (normally 'admin'), and select Español from the drop-down.
- New Guardian Digital WebTool modules for DHCP and UPS services. The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) module allows you to run a DHCP server on your EnGarde Secure Linux machine. The UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) module allows you to configure and monitor a UPS connected to your EnGarde Secure Linux machine and to act as a server for other machines connected to the same UPS.
- The latest stable versions of MySQL (5.0.18), fetchmail (6.3.2), iptables (1.3.5), mrtg (2.13.1), nmap (4.00), openssh (4.3p1), php (4.4.2), and postfix (2.2.8).
- Several new installable packages such as amavisd-new (2.3.3), clamav (0.88), nagios (1.3), nagios-plugins (1.4.2), nrpe (2.0), postgresql (8.1.1), spamassassin, and many, many new Perl modules.
We're also happy to announce the availability of the following HOWTOs:
- Installing Joomla! on EnGarde Secure Linux HOWTO
- Installing PHPMyAdmin on EnGarde Secure Linux HOWTO
- Installing PHP Applications on EnGarde Secure Linux HOWTO
- Installing SpamAssassin, ClamAV and Amavisd-new on EnGarde HOWTO
- Installing Squirrelmail on EnGarde Secure Linux HOWTO
All new users downloading EnGarde Secure Linux for the first time or users who use the LiveCD environment should download this release.
Users who are currently using EnGarde Secure Linux do not need to download this release -- they can update their machines via the Guardian Digital Secure Network WebTool module.